Can't find an answer? Please reach out to us at:

keyboard_arrow_downAre there long term contracts?

No, this is an on demand service. We don't lock you into long term agreements. You only pay for the broadcast messages you send or receive.

keyboard_arrow_downCan I cancel anytime?

Yes, simply send us an email saying you want to cancel. We'll be sorry to see you go, but we'll get it sorted for you. Note that you will be billed for your current month's usage at time of cancellation.

keyboard_arrow_downHow does your pricing work?

You are only charged for the SMS, MMS, and Source Numbers used to during your broadcast.

For example, if you have 1000 contacts and send a 2 part SMS broadcast, we will invoice you about 1 week after your broadcast for 2000 SMS Messages sent (1000 Contacts * 2 SMS Parts) and 7 Source Numbers (1000 Contacts / 150 Contacts per source number). Plus any inbound SMS/MMS you may have received from your contacts.

We have a cost calculator on the pricing page to help estimate pricing based on your contact list size and broadcast message length.

keyboard_arrow_downWhat is a source number?

A source number is the name of a phone number we use to send out your message to your contact list. Normally we purchase 1 source number for every 150 contacts in your list to help maximize delivery to your contacts.

keyboard_arrow_downHow long does an SMS broadcast take?

It normally takes 3 days to complete an SMS broadcast. We purposefully slow the rate text messages are sent out to maximize deliverability.

keyboard_arrow_downIs my contact list kept private?

Yes, your contact list is never shared with anyone. It is kept completely private and stored securely on a Google hosted database with strong encryption and authentication protocols in place. In addition, we have included in our Terms that we will never share or sell your contact lists. We take your privacy seriously and work to earn and keep your trust by protecting the privacy and security of any information you share with us.

keyboard_arrow_downHow do I receive messages from my contacts?

Any inbound messages received from your broadcast will be forwarded to your email along with the sender's contact information.

Your reply to that email will be forwarded to the sender as an SMS, or you can use our chat.vantagesms.com web app to chat with your contacts in real time over SMS. Anyone replying with the STOP keyword will be automatically opted out on your behalf. We also include an opt out button in the forwarded email if you need to manually opt out the sender.

keyboard_arrow_downWhat about spam?

Sending Spam (unsolicited commercial electronic message - "CEM") is against the Law. You must comply with all laws, regulations, rules and guidelines as set out in Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation ("CASL").

You may, for example, obtain implied consent to send an CEM to your customer or client if they made a purchase or lease of goods, or services within the two-year period immediately before the day on which the CEM was sent and providing that you also provide identification information and provide an unsubscribe mechanism in your CEM.

Any customer or client of yours that does not meet the requirements of CASL, must be deleted and removed from your contact list before you use the VantageSMS Services to send any CEM's.

The information provided by VantageSMS on its website is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be considered as providing legal advice, an interpretation of any legislation or regulations, rules and guidelines, or a substitute for specific legal advice from a lawyer.

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